Update 4: Android + Bits n Pieces

It's finally here! 
An Android version of Sneki Snacker is live! Compatible with Android 9 and up, just run the .apk and away you go! It has an added share function that includes a link back to the itch.io page. Have a crack at it and let me know how it goes!

I'm going to explore options for publishing on the Play Store for free without ads, but it may not be possible.

                                  o o o o o o o 

Patch Notes:

+ Added 'x' button to close the end score card
+ Changed End game confirmation to Y/N instead of the play button and power button to reduce confusion
+ Adjusted Swiping sensitivity, it should be more responsive. You must lift your finger/release click for the swipe to register.
+ Reduced Music Volume
+ Added eating sound for Sneki when he consumes pellets

+ Adjusted Pause Menu
+ Added Share Button
+ Miscellaneous re-scaling


SnekiSnackerWin.zip 28 MB
Sep 22, 2022
snekisnacker.zip Play in browser
Sep 22, 2022
snekisnackerandroid9apk.apk 23 MB
Sep 22, 2022

Get Sneki Snacker

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